Department of Computer Science
A world-class institution in computer science that advances the region towards a smart society.
To advance knowledge in computer science through relevant research.
To produce competent graduates and responsible leaders.
To serve the region through responsive innovation and knowledge-transfer.
BS Computer Science
This curriculum was written based on the Association for Computing Machinery-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (ACM-IEEE) consortium’s 2013 report on the BSCS Curriculum.
The curriculum starts with fundamental courses that provide students a deep understanding of mathematical and theoretical concepts in Computer Science.
These fundamental courses are followed by advanced Computer Science courses that focus on building higher level skills for computer science professionals, preparing students to become responsible leaders in the industry.
The final years of the curriculum are culminated by topics in emerging technologies such as AI, Machine Learning, Computer Security and Technopreneurship. Students are exposed to topics related to computer science research across different specializations through the help of the department’s Center for Research in Intelligent Systems.
These courses complete a 4 year curriculum, building up from mathematical and theoretical foundations to core CS professional skills, and finally to emerging technologies and CS research. This curriculum aims to produce competitive, innovative, and responsible leaders across the different fields of computer science.
MS Computer Science
The MSCS curriculum offered by the Department of Computer Science, is a research focused curriculum. The MSCS program has two curricular options: the Full Time Option, which is taken in 4 semesters and a part time option which is taken in 6 semesters. The curriculum starts with a blend of advanced systems courses and advanced theory courses. In the following semesters, the curriculum focuses on advanced specialization courses such as Data Mining, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, and etc. The curriculum also offers an elective course from other disciplines such as Math, MBB, and Statistics. Both the part time and full time option’s final requirement is a 6 unit thesis course which will be taken in the last semester.