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We are hiring! Three Faculty Positions are Open in DBES

Now Hiring! Mathematics and Statistics Faculty
Qualifications Must have at least a Master's degree in Mathematics (Preferred specialization:...

DOST-NICER and UP Cebu CENVI Invites you to Revolution: A symposium on Research Evolution Towards a Society Centric R&D
DOST-NICER and UP Cebu CENVI invites you to REVOLUTION: A Symposium on Research Evolution Towards...
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Accramycin A, A New Aromatic Polyketide, from the Soil Bacterium, Streptomyces sp. MA37
Drug-like molecules are known to contain many different building blocks with great potential as pharmacophores for drug discovery. The continued...
On Varieties of Pseudo Hyper GR-ideals of Pseudo Hyper GR-algebras
This study is based on the structure of pseudo hyper GR-algebra, an algebra that is partially related on some class of hyper BCI-algebras. This...
Analysis of the morpho-anatomical traits of four major garlic (Allium sativum L.) cultivars in the Philippines
Cultivating garlic after the rice season has been increasingly att ractive for rice farmers in the Philippines especially in areas where rice...
Effects of environmental factors and alien plant invasion on native floral diversity in Mt. Manunggal, Cebu Island, Philippines
The status of native floral diversity in Mt. Manunggal, Cebu Island, the Philippines in relation to environmental factors and alien plant invasion...