IMPORTANT: Late submission of appeal/request will require the student to write a letter addressed to the Dean (through channels) indicating the reason of the delay.
Please be aware of the following schedule in the College for (1) appeal for readmission/extension of MRR/waiver of MRR, (2) request for readmission from leave of absence, and (3) request for waiver of prerequisites in the First Semester AY 2021-2022.
Please understand that the schedule in the university calendar was considered in the making of the following schedule.
(1) Appeal for Readmission/Extension of MRR/Waiver of MRR
Milestone | Deadline |
Submission by student of the appeal form, letter of appeal and plan of study to his/her adviser | 23 August |
Deliberation in the department/program | 24-26 August |
Submission of after-deliberation report by the department/program to the Office of the College Secretary (OCS) | 27 August |
Submission of report by the OCS to the Dean* | 30 August |
Decision by the Dean | 3 September |
OCS staff forwards appeal to the Admissions Committee (if applicable) |
6 September |
Admissions Committee Meeting | 10 September |
* If applicable, student to submit letter of recommendation from OSA to the OCS.
(2) Request for Readmission from Leave of Absence (LOA)
Milestone | Deadline |
Submission by the student of the letter to the Office of the College Secretary (OCS)* | 27 August |
Submission by the OCS of endorsed letter to the Dean | 1 September |
Release of decision | 3 September |
* Letter must be endorsed already by the Program Adviser, Department Chair/Program Coordinator .
(3) Request for Waiver of Prerequisites
Milestone | Deadline |
Submission by the student of the waiver form to the Office of the College Secretary* | 27 August |
Deliberation by the Dean’s committee | 1 September |
Release of decision | 3 September |
* Form must be endorsed already by the Adviser, Teacher in Prerequisite Course, Teacher in Course to be Enrolled, OSA, and Department Chair/ Program Coordinator.
IMPORTANT: Late submission of appeal/request will require the student to write a letter addressed to the Dean (through channels) indicating the reason of the delay.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us or your adviser.
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