[1] There is a moratorium on student activities starting one (1) month (i.e. 30 days ) and strictly two (2) weeks before the end of classes until the last day of the final exam period. During this period, no student activities of any kind will be permitted except for business meetings. [UP Cebu SOA Guidelines as approved by the UP Cebu Dean on 16 August 2014]
[2] If a subject is dropped after the middle of the term, the faculty member concerned shall indicate the date and the class standing of the student at the time of dropping as either Passing or Failing solely for administrative guidance. [as amended at 669th University Council Executive Committee Meeting on 1975 September 3]
Link to procedure and form for dropping: https://our.upcebu.edu.ph/flowsandforms/#drop
Note that the procedure indicated in the link above requires the student to route the form for signature. In our College, however, we assigned our college clerk to route the forms on behalf of the students. So, please email your forms or letter requests to them for routing.
[3] For leave of absence to be availed of during the second half of the semester, faculty members concerned shall be required to indicate the class standing of the student (passing or failing) at the time of the application for the leave. No application for leave of absence shall be approved without the class standing being indicated by the instructors concerned. This should not be entered in the official Report of Grades.
Approval is given for one semester/trimester at a time only.
Link to procedure and form for LOA: https://our.upcebu.edu.ph/flowsandforms/#LOA
Note that the procedure indicated in the link above requires the student to route the form for signature. In our College, however, we assigned our college clerk to route the forms on behalf of the students. So, please email your forms or letter requests to them for routing.
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