News & Announcements
College of science faculty members receive the one up professorial chair and faculty grant awards 2022-2024
Congratulations to the UP Cebu College of Science One UP Professorial Chair and Faculty Grant...

College of Science Important Dates – first Semester AY 2022-2023
[1] There is a moratorium on student activities starting one (1) month (i.e. 30 days ) and...

Join us on 12 October 2022 at 1:30PM as we give recognition to our honorific scholars from Second...
Blog Posts

UP Cebu Mathematics Program holds Webinar-Series in Mathematics and Statistics
By Prof. Ramises Manzano The month of October 2020 had been a month of webinars for the...

UP Cebu Celebrates Valediction for Graduates of Batch 2020
As the University of the Philippines Cebu celebrates the 4th anniversary of its CU elevation...

DBES faculty attended lecture series and workshop at NMNH
On March 3, 2019, 10 faculty members and one teaching assistant of the Department of Biology and...
Bacterial pathogens: threat or treat (a review on bioactive natural products from bacterial pathogens)
Threat or treat? While pathogenic bacteria pose significant threats, they also represent a huge reservoir of potential pharmaceuticals to treat...
Discovery of New Antibacterial Accramycins from a Genetic Variant of the Soil Bacterium, Streptomyces sp. MA37
Continued mining of natural products from the strain Streptomyces sp. MA37 in our laboratory led to the discovery of a minor specialized metabolite...
An Edge-Based Model of SEIR Epidemics on Static Random Networks
Studies have been done using networks to represent the spread of infectious diseases in populations. For diseases with exposed individuals...
Novel South African Rare Actinomycete Kribbella speibonae Strain SK5: A Prolific Producer of Hydroxamate Siderophores Including New Dehydroxylated Congeners
In this paper, we report on the chemistry of the rare South African Actinomycete Kribbella speibonae strain SK5, a prolific producer of hydroxamate...